Time saving and transcription error reduction
You input directly on the terminal and in real time (via USB port or barcode reader) the vital signs.
This allows time saving and transcription error reduction, and avoids the oblivions or understanding problems when reading the manuscript prescriptions.
Interactive and teaching communication support
Care giving runs through a good communication between the medical staff and the patient. The CnCBedside at the patient’s bedside allows you:- To illustrate your words by viewing medical images in real-time (x-rays, MRIs, etc.)
- To make interactive diagrams explaining to the patient his/her illness or the intervention he/she will go under
Application of medical restrictions
The healthcare professionals are given the possibility to restrict access to certain functionalities of the terminal for medical reasons (TV limitation, etc.) and this done individually or in a centralized manner (restrictions per patient profile: adult, elderly, child, etc.)