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Care and Comfort builds the Hospital of the Future in Belgium

Care and Comfort builds the Hospital of the Future in Belgium


The collaboration between Care and Comfort and the Charleroi Hospital goes further


After having tested our solutions in three medical units, the Charleroi Hospital decided to equip all of its private rooms with our solutions.

Furthermore, rebuilding its maternity, this hospital implemented 7 re-enabling rooms (which our bedside terminal is part of).

Innovative in many ways: The rooms offer modern technologies and facilities that have not been seen yet in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, it is the financial model we proposed to the hospital that makes this project so unique : a leasing system relieving the Hospital of investments that are not related to its core activity.

As a true European Innovative Hospital model, the Charleroi Hospital won the 2014 Digital Patient Award in October at an event gathering more than 250 healthcare executives from all over Europe.

Within the project of a new Hospital (Viviers) (2020-2022), the Charleroi Hospital has already been thinking of the innovations it will choose to implement there.

