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  Fast return on investment and well-tried method Hospitals & Clinics

Innovative and High-Quality Solutions tailored to each Hospital/Clinic:  

Fast return on investment and well-tried method
Fast return on investment and well-tried method

For the healthcare establishments, CnCBedside terminal generates a fast and under control return on investment. Our solution is more competitive than a simple TV because it brings more services (to patients, to healthcare staff, to the hospital, etc.) generating additional revenues at a reasonable price.

  Fast return on investment and well-tried method  
A unfying project:
  • It brings benefits to stakeholders of your establishment: Healthcare Professionals, Patients, Communication Service and  IT
  • All the functionalities and interface design (patients/caregivers) are defined jointly by our designers and the hospital teams
Fast return on investment and well-tried method
Unified Taxation System:
  • Identify the patient on an operating terminal of his/her room. If the patient changes room, his/her account toggles on the terminal of this new room
  • To assign the functionalities included in the subscription chosen by the patient on the terminal of his/her room.